Comedy Camp St. Louis

Comedy camp St. Louis is a great way to develop presentation skills in front of a group.  Kids have the opportunity to be creative and develop the sense of humor within them.  There is a lot of laughing that goes on in comedy camp!  Who knows, you could have the next Jerry Seinfeld!

In comedy camp St. Louis, we explore 3 types of comedy:  Stand-up, sketch, and improv.

Stand Up Comedy for Kids

stand up comedy

Stand up comedy is great for building presentation skills and confidence in front of a group. We start with very simple comedy such as knock knock jokes, limericks, why did the chicken cross the road, etc., so get the kids comfortable standing in front of a group. Then we progress to 2 person rapartes, story jokes, and one liners that we provide as well as that the kids invent themselves. The kids work on timing, on what make a joke funny, and on adding humor to their delivery and content.

Improv Camp

improv camp

Improv comedy gets the kids to think on their feet. We play a variety of improve comedy games and exercises, some of which we demonstrate in the family show. Could you have the next Second City star right in your midst?

Sketch Comedy for Kids

sketch comedy

In sketch comedy the kids work together to act out a comedy skit or short. Kids enjoy this part of camp, and it helps them learn to work together and how to work off of others. Sometimes the campers make up their own comedy sketches as well!

Kids Comedy Camp St. Louis, MO, IL

comedy camp

In addition to stand up, improv, and sketch comedy, campers learn comedy magic that they can perform, as well as silly skills to show at the lunch or dinner table. Campers make their own comedy props, and they take home a different comic gag each day. These might include classics like a rubber chicken, whoppee cushion, clown squeaker, etc. We show them some gags with these items, and campers use their creativity to create their own comedy with them as well.

comedy kits - whoopee cushion

We offer comedy camp throughout the St. Louis area in both Missouri and Illinois. So whether you live in Wildwood or Kirkwood, Edwardsville or Belleville, we have a comedy camp St. Louis not very far from you.

Comedy Camp St. Louis Schedule

Sort any column by clicking on its heading.
Date StartedDate EndingOrganizational Location
TimeCampCostContact PhoneRegistrationArea
6/05/2023 6/9/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9:00am-3:00pmMagic--Pulling Rabbits From Hats$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
6/12/20236/16/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9:00am-3:00pmCircus$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
6/19/20236/23/2023Abra-Kid-Abra 9:00am-3:00pmComedy/Balloons$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9:00am-3:00pmMagic Mystery$195314-961-6912Register HereCentral
7/10/237/14/2023Abra-Kid-Abra 9am-3pmLevitations and Animations$197/0E314-961-6912Register HereCentral
7/17/20237/21/2023Abra-Kid-Abra 9am-3pmAddra-Kid-Abra$197/0E314-961-6912Register HereCentral
7/24/20237/28/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9am-3pmMagic to Amaze$197/OE314-961-6912Register Here
7/31/20238/4/2023Abra-Kid-Abra (Webster)9am-3pmCircus Camp II$197/OE314-961-6912Register Here
6/5/20236/8/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMagic: Pulling Rabbits from Hats$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonBalloonatics$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
6/20/20236/23/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMagic--Story Magic$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
6/26/20236/29/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMathemagic$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
7/10/20237/13/2023Lewis & Clark Community College9:00am-NoonMagic--to Amaze$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
7/24/20237/27/2023Lewis & Clark Community College 9:00am-NoonSo You Want to Be a Magican$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
7/31/20238/3/2023Lewis & Clark Community College 9:00am-NoonMagic Mystery$95618-468-5701You can Register HereIL
6/5/20236/8/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonMagic Mystery Camp$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
6/12/20236/15/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonBalloonatics$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
6/26/20236/29/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonAddra-Kid-Abra$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/10/20237/13/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonMagic Pulling Rabbits$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/17/20237/20/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonKids Comedy$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/24/20237/27/2023Lindbergh School District--Dressel Elementary9:00am-NoonCircus Arts$119314-729-2480Lindbergh RegistrationWest
7/3/20237/6/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonComedy$65314-467-5280COMING SOONSouth
7/10/20237/13/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonBalloonatics$85314-467-5280Coming SoonSouth
7/17/20237/20/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonMagic--Story Magic$85314-467-5280Coming SoonSouth
7/24/20237/27/2023Mehlville School District 9:00am-NoonMagic Mysteries$85314-467-5280Coming Soon
6/15/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-NoonMagic Camp$225636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
6/26/20237/1/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmMathemagic$225636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
7/10/20237/14/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmBalloonatics$149
636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
7/24/20237/28/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmComedy Camp$149
636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
8/7/20238/11/2023St. Charles Community College9:00am-4:00pmCircus Stars$225
636-922-8233Check this site to registerWest
6/19/20236/23/2023Washington City Parks Department9:00am-3:00pmMathe-E-Magics$85(636) 390-1080Registration Starts SoonFranklin County
7/24/20237/28/2023Kaskaskia College, Trenton9:00am-NoonMagic-Animals$100618-545-3475
7/31/20238/4/2023City of St. Ann9:00am-NoonMagic-Disappearing Ink$80314-429-4545
8/14/20238/21/2023City of St. Ann9:00am-NoonCircus Skills$80314-429-4545

School of Comedy for Kids St. Louis

In addition to kids comedy camp, we offer some other ways for kids to learn comedy.  These include:

after school comedy classes

comedy magic show and comedy magic workshop

comedy kits in our online store

Book Your Event Now!

Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!

Map It!

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What They Say:

Ben had so much fun. It was GREAT! I loved that they got to put on a show at the end.
Webster parent
Great program! It gave my daughter a great opportunity to have some fun and learn some jokes, while making new friends.
SWIC parent
I saw my daughter confident in front of everyone. She’s improving her talking in front of people. She wasn’t shy or nervous!
Henderson Elementary parent
The kids had a great time. They were excited about being ‘funny’.
Forsyth School parent
Lots of fun! He loved it!
New City School parent
He really liked coming here each day. He liked coming home with a different gag/trick/joke each day. It was a great self confidence builder.
Brentwood parent
Excellent. Great format and presentation at end. We were very pleased. Jonathan was excited to come every day to comedy camp and learned a lot.
St. Louis parent