Learn Magic Tricks
Ready to learn some magic? We are excited to share videos of 6 tricks you can do! Plus instructions for our Optical Billusion featuring 32 optical illusions on 1 big bill! And finally, additional resources to learn more magic.
Magician’s Oath
First, you must promise never to reveal your secrets. If you do, it spoils the mystique and the magic. So please don’t tell your family or friends. Let’s keep these secrets just among us magicians!
Here are items you will need for some of these tricks.
Optical Billusion

If you would like to receive the optical billusion, the cardless card trick, and/or masterpieces of art, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Abra-Kid-Abra 803 Lafayette Ave. Webster Groves, MO 63119. Tell us what trick(s) you want and we will send them to you with our compliments.
Additional Resources to Learn Magic

Want to learn more magic? Visit our Learn Magic St. Louis page where you’ll find info on:
Magic clubs and conventions
Our Blog – We publish a new trick every week
e-Newsletter – sign up in the sidebar on this page to learn free tricks each month and find out magical happenings around St. Louis
Magic Camps – Week-long camps offered all summer and during winter break at schools and community centers throughout St. Louis
After School Classes – Perhaps we offer one at your school? If not, let’s get one started.
Online Magic Shop – Magic kits, DVD sets, and more to further your child’s interest in magic.
Book Your Event Now!
Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!