Safety First Magic Show St. Louis
Safety Magic Show
Looking for a safety magic show St. Louis? A program that is fun and teaches important safety lessons to children?

Our Safety First Magic Show St. Louis teaches key safety messages in a number of different areas. These typically include:
- Fire safety
- Playground safety
- Stranger danger
- Electric safety
- Traffic safety
If we stood there and lectured about safety for 30-45 minutes, the kids would get bored. However, when we present different magic tricks that convey a safety message, the kids are much more engaged and attentive. And they learn better.
If you have particular areas you’d like to emphasize, or additional messages you’d like to see included, please let us know. We will do our best to customize the program for you. Here is a good resource for child safety tips in a variety of areas.
Halloween Safety Show
September and October are popular times for our safety show St. Louis, as we like to include some tricks that highlight safety messages around trick or treating. For instance, not taking candy from strangers, walking on the street safely at night,… By having the show before Halloween, the kids can put the safety messages into practice right away, and you help them avoid potential dangers.

Magic Show for Preschools, Elementary School Assemblies, Scout Groups,…
What are good groups for a safety magic show St. Louis? Preschools, Elementary schools, scout groups, and church youth groups are all great audiences for our safety magic show.

Safety Magic Show St. Louis, MO, IL
Since Abra-Kid-Abra is based in St. Louis, many of our shows are in Missouri and Illinois. We often travel several hours from St. Louis, so if you are in Arkansas or Iowa, or Tennessee or Kentucky, we are glad to being our safety magic show to you. Indiana and Oklahoma are also states we perform in as well.

Book a Safety Magic Show St. Louis
For more information, or to check availability, please call or email us. We look forward to bringing our safety messages to your kids in a fun, memorable show!
Book Your Event Now!
Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!