Reading Assembly
Magical Reading Assembly
Looking to excite your students about reading in a fun way? Our Magical Reading Assembly shows students–in a memorable, engaging manner–how much fun reading is! Your problem will become: Do we have enough books in the library to handle everyone who wants to check them out!

Magic of Reading Program captures attention of students.We excite students about reading through stories and content reinforced by magic, comedy, lots of audience participation and interaction, and puppets. A study guide to extend the learning into the classroom and promotional posters are also part of the program.
Reading Magic You Can Do
See our blog for reading tricks you can do. In categories, select Reading Magic. Here are some examples to get you started:
The letters of what number, 1-50, are in alphabetical order?
What number’s letters are in reverse alphabetical order?
“King, are you sorry you are King?” What’s unusual about this sentence?
The letter that comes right after AB in the alphabet is E. How so?
What are these word puzzles saying?

Here are answers to these reading puzzlers.
When is Best To Do a Reading Assembly?

Here are a few ideas:
- Read Across America Day/Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Mar. 2 annually.
- National Library Week Apr 14-19, ’14
- Screen-Free Week May 5-11, ’14
- Children’s Book Week May 12-18, ’14
- Before winter or summer break–prevent summer (or winter) reading loss
- Beginning of the year to encourage good reading habits early on.
Reading Assembly in MO, IL and more
We perform our Reading Assembly for elementary school and middle school students in Missouri and Illinois quite a bit, since we are based in St. Louis. However, we also perform our reading assembly in Indiana and Kentucky and Tennessee. Sometimes we perform in Arkansas and Iowa. Even Kansas and Oklahoma are in our service area as well.
Book Your Event Now!
Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!