Dr. Seuss Show
Looking for a great fun program to excite kids about reading? Fizz Boom Seuss, our Dr. Seuss Show, is a tribute to Dr. Seuss and his great books. It is also a fun, entertaining way to motivate children to read!

Dr. Seuss Show Program Agenda
We take the kids on a mirthful tour through many of Dr. Seuss’ wonderful books. Get ready for heavy checkouts at the library after the show!

Each book in our program is supported by a Seusical magic routine. This engages students in a fun way—a way that they’ll remember for a long time.
The books and supporting magic we use varies a bit from show to show. A sample show would cover, for example:
Horton Hatches the Egg
As we recount this famous story, a large egg instantly changes into a winged (stuffed) elephant!
Cat in the Hat
We use a giant pop up book to reveal which of several Seuss books a reader will select.
Fox in Socks
We have a fun routine supporting this classic using specially made handkerchiefs with socks pictured on them and colorful drawer boxes.
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
We have devised a special prop to make fish change color several times. At the climax, they change to a completely different color!
The Lorax
As we recount this classic environmental work, we give the kids a trick they can take home that teaches them about the environment.
Dr. Seuss Show Extras

Visual excitement
This begins when students enter the room! They delight at the Dr. Seuss banner. Many of the props have been put together or customized just for this program!

Free Take Home Trick
Students take home a Dr. Seuss Show trick that they can perform! They’ll feel like stars as they amaze friends and family.
Free Study Guide for School Assemblies
To extend learning into the classroom, along with your Dr. Seuss Show assembly, you get a free study guide. It contains interactive Dr. Seuss Show activities that teachers can use before or after the assembly.

Engaged Students
Lots of comedy and audience interaction. The kids don’t sit passively in our Dr. Seuss show. They are on the edge of their seats yelling, belly laughing, calling out magic words, raising their hands to participate, etc.
Grade Levels for Dr. Seuss School Program

The program is designed for kids from pre-school up through fifth grade.
Dr. Seuss School Assembly Program, Summer Reading Program for Libraries, Pre-School Show, and More

What sort of places are suitable for the Dr. Seuss show? Elementary schools, pre-schools, and libraries are most often where we present our Tribute to Dr. Seuss show. Any time you have a group of kids who enjoy Dr. Seuss (and who doesn’t) is a good occasion for our Fizz Boom Seuss Tribute to Dr. Seuss Show
When is a Good Time for the Dr. Seuss Show?

In or around March is ideal, as that is the month of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.
Going into a break is good, to motivate students to read during the break. So in May before school lets out, before winter or spring break, or whenever your break may fall.
Any time you want to motivate reading and excite the kids about checking out books is a good time for the Fizz Boom Seuss Show!
Dr. Seuss Show MO, IL, and More

Since we are based in St. Louis, most of our programs are in MO or IL. We have also delivered programs in IN and KY. TN and AR we travel to with some regularity. IA and KS and OK are also within fairly easy driving range. We enjoy visiting new states, so if you are in a state we haven’t listed, please contact us and let’s see if we can work out a visit!
Hire a Dr. Seuss Show

Our Fizz Boom Seuss Tribute to Dr. Seuss Show is one of our most popular and fun programs! We look forward to delighting your group and exciting them about reading! For more info, please contact us by email or at 314-961-6912.
Book Your Event Now!
Call Abra-Kid-Abra
314-961-6912 or
888-963-ABRA (2272)
Email us
803 Lafayette Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Bringing Out the STAR in Kids!