Balloon Twisting Notes

Thanks for sending your child to our balloon-twisting program.  Here are some videos on twisting a variety of balloon shapes.

Here is info on additional balloon-twisting resources:  balloon art camps, after school classes, workshops, kits, shows, and balloon artists for special events.

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Balloon Twisting Camp Quotes

“Very creative. I wish I would have been able to attend a camp like this as a kid! She ennjoyed making different objects with the balloons and interacting with the staff.”
Pattonville parent
“She liked it a lot. The house that they made together was her favorite. She thought it was a really fun camp!”
Blades Elementary parent
“Aiden loved this camp. He had so much fun and he liked showing his balloon creations at home. It was a real confidence booster!”
Edwardsville parent
“My daughter really seemed to enjoy making balloons. Great hands-on activities for the kids.”
Drummmond Elementary parent
“Balloon camp was great! My child had a lot of fun. It helped build fine motor skills.”
Godfrey parent
“He had a wonderful time in balloonatics camp. Everything was great. Wyatt loved it and said the only thing that could have been better was if it was longer.”
Ladue parent
“She had fun at balloon camp and learned new skills.”
Kirkwood parent
“Max had a wonderful week. He looked forward to coming each day and learning new things. He was especially proud of learning to make a pirate sword!”
Des Peres parent
“He enjoyed balloon camp–especially learning to twist balloons and making the big house at the end.”
Webster parent